Welcome to Iyengar Yoga of Fort Collins,

Yoga has a timeless quality to the practice, and we feel this timeless and even ageless when we are in the practice. Thank you for showing up, thank you for practicing at home on your own, or with others, with videos, with books. This practice is rich, and the coins of benefits are many. Keep practicing and you will know the depth of letting go of your ego, over and over, and the embrace of the world as it comes to greet you.

Our new studio location is Source Point Acupuncture Building, 317 North Meldrum, Ft. Collins, 80521

Current Class Schedule and Cancellations Here

A bit about Iyengar Yoga...
I teach from the BKS Iyengar perspective of Yoga, yet BKS would be the first to say, "There is no such thing as Iyengar Yoga." He himself, knows this is a phrase his students coined because they felt so moved and grateful for his teaching.


So what does Iyengar Yoga teach?

Iyengar Yoga maintains a deep connection to the 8 limbs of yoga and follows the Sutras for guidance in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It also understands the self is multi-layered and yet dissolves in an instant.

After 30 years of teaching yoga, my answer to this question has changed each decade.

In the first decade I said Iyengar Yoga teaches how to use prop to improve our alignment in the pose.

In the second decade, I said Iyengar Yoga teaches breathing and brings the sutras to light during class time.

Now, in the third decade, I will say something I could not have said long ago and that is: Iyengar Yoga doesn't teach anything at all. It is a practice that wants us to listen deeply to our own inner teacher and be taught by the whisper of silence and space that one touches in Savsasna.


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